Updated April 28, 2023

Our advice

Do you recognize yourself in the characteristics of certain neurodiversity profiles and you think you might be neuroatypical? The team has developed various tests to help you get to know yourself better and, above all, to reassure you before seeking professional help.

Of course, an online test will never replace a practitioner. Think of it as a first step in identifying your neuroatypism.

In order to obtain your results and promote the work of our team, we ask you to contribute 1 euro (1 euro = 1 coffee for our tribe!).

If you like our work, feel free to buy us a whole packet of coffees 😀

Discover our different online tests without registration

The results are automatically displayed on a new page after payment. You just have to wait a few seconds.

We don’t save your tests. There are no registrations or cookies on Suivez le Zèbre /RGPD Friendly). You can take a screenshot to remember.


Our almost free adult gifted test

Our test: on the giftedness trail

Our almost free hypersensitive adult test

Our test: Am I Hypersensitive?

Our almost free adult asperger test

Our test: on the trail of Asperger’s ASD

Our test: estimate your anxiety level

Our test: am I burned out?

Our test: on the trail of borderline personality disorder

Our test: estimate your level of self-confidence

free pre test gifted mary rocamora

Anamnesis pre-test on the trail of giftedness


Please note that Suivez le Zèbre does not use cookies, and we do not record results, since our tests do not require registration!
Once you’ve made your contribution to the team via our banking partner Stripe, wait until your results page is displayed, because after that, they can no longer be retrieved.

Our advice

Put the results into perspective: the real WAIS test lasts two hours. We offer these tests to give you an idea of how you’re functioning, but they are in no way certifying.

The reliability of our tests is relative, so if you want to go further, don’t hesitate to contact a specialized practitioner such as a neuropsychologist, a psychologist for giftedness or hypersensitivity, your GP, or a psychiatrist for autism.

Thank you for your confidence
Enjoy your test with Suivez le Zèbre!

You can also find more information, resources and tools on Giftedness in Mel POINAS‘ book based on her experience. With a lot of humor, Mel tells the story of the discovery of her High Learning Potential and the routines she put in place to finally find her place!

Le livre

Écrit par une HPI !
Un témoignage et des solutions concrètes pour découvrir, comprendre et apprendre à vivre en étant HPI.

La boutique du Zèbre

Des livres, des goodies, des accessoires pour se sentir bien au quotidien et (se) faire plaisir !

MENSA France tests

Mensa offers tests all over France, once or several times a year depending on the town.
The cost of the Test is 50 euros (25 euros for students and the unemployed).

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