
Here you will find various records from readers who have shared their stories on the blog’s favourite subjects: HP, hypersensitivity, ASD, ‘DYS conditions’ or ADD/ADHD…

We give you a say! You want too to testify, click on I write an article or send us your record: contact@suivezlezebre.com

Testimony: living as a couple with a gifted person

Article updated on May 2, 2023 Welcome to Suivez le Zèbre, the first blog dedicated to neurodiversityin France. Here you will find information about Giftedness (High Learning Potential), hypersensitivity, autism spectrum disorders (including Asperger’s syndrome), DYS disorders and ADHD. It’s not always easy being the partner of a gifted person! Relationships are complicated enough. As …

Testimony: living as a couple with a gifted person Read More »

couple HPI TDAH atypique

Testimonial, my journey as a precocious child at school

Article updated on January 20, 2022 Precocious children: characteristics revealed at an early age I remember my childhood very well, even memories from when I was very young, between the ages of 2 and 6. As a child, I was interested and curious about everything, always asking myself 15,000 questions, and fortunately I had very …

Testimonial, my journey as a precocious child at school Read More »

témoignage enfant HPI et école haut potentiel intellectuel

Giftedness, testimonials and tips for making and keeping friends

Source photo credit: Casting Stranger Things Article updated on January 14, 2023 Can you have friends if you have HPI? Can you be yourself and build lasting friendships? HPI is very intense in friendship. He often has trouble positioning himself. Either he’s too present and takes up too much space, or on the contrary, he …

Giftedness, testimonials and tips for making and keeping friends Read More »

HPI, comment avoir et se faire des amis
Comment avoir une vie sociale en étant HPI haut potentiel intellectuel

HPI: High Intellectual Potential, explanations and testimonial by Mel Poinas

Welcome to Suivez le Zèbre, the first blog dedicated to neurodiversityin France. Here you will find information about Giftedness (High Learning Potential), hypersensitivity, autism spectrum disorders (including Asperger’s syndrome), DYS disorders and ADHD. I’m Mel Poinas. I founded Suivez le Zèbre in 2017 after passing the WAIS 4 and discovering my High Intellectual Potential(HPI). What …

HPI: High Intellectual Potential, explanations and testimonial by Mel Poinas Read More »

Living (again) after a Narcissistic Pervert

My life after being in a relationship with a Narcissistic Pervert Hello everyone, today I want to address all those people who, like me, are born utopians, and who one day fall, without thinking they can get back up. This history, or rather this succession of experiences, has made me who I am today, and …

Living (again) after a Narcissistic Pervert Read More »

Jonathan’s testimony, discovering his giftedness at 30 years old

The life of a Zebra, Gifted, High Potential Profile Article updated on January 13, 2022 Bravo Jonathan for this magnificent testimony, poignant with truth and authenticity.Many zebras will recognize themselves… Very nice day to all.Mel A huge thank you to Jonathan for his testimony on Suivez le Zèbre🙂 “For a while now I have been …

Jonathan’s testimony, discovering his giftedness at 30 years old Read More »

Testimonial from Julie, Mum of a happy family of zebras!

I’m not weird, I’m gifted! I “met” Julie in a Facebook group, a zebra group 🙂I posted an “ad”, I really wanted to complete this project of testimonies and experiences of other zebras. I think it’s really important to share our experiences and feelings, to forget that there are so many of us in France …

Testimonial from Julie, Mum of a happy family of zebras! Read More »

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