Everyday life

How is the everyday life of a gifted person?

HPI and Dyslexia? Understanding and advancing with dyslexia

What is dyslexia? I see letters and sentences like everyone else, except that I can’t print the way they’re written and so I keep making spelling mistakes. I’m still having trouble reading, so instead of taking 2 hours to read a script, it’s going to take me twice as long. Franck Gastambide, dyslexic and multi-dyslexic. …

HPI and Dyslexia? Understanding and advancing with dyslexia Read More »

In France, giftedness must remain an opportunity for precocious children!

Why should precocious children remain a priority in France? A few months ago, I read an article from our Quebec friends who talked about ideas for keeping giftedness as an opportunity in Quebec. I thought to myself, why in France does it seem mission impossible to integrate a precocious child(or gifted or high potential or, …

In France, giftedness must remain an opportunity for precocious children! Read More »

Reflections on tolerance and intolerance among the gifted!

Is being a Zebra more tolerant or intolerant? Why this article on tolerance and giftedness? As is often the case, I get my ideas for articles from talking to you!Putting it into context! 🙂This morning, at the restaurant (in New Zealand), I was talking to my Italian pastry colleague, who’s been living in the Kiwis …

Reflections on tolerance and intolerance among the gifted! Read More »

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